Sunday 25 March 2012


Name : See Yen Shan
Matrix number : 111415

1. Introduction

1.1  Setting up and using the microscope
Microorganism need to be magnified in order to be seen. The light microscope is the instrument that most frequently used in viewing the microorganisms. Besides that, we have to observe some bacteria.

1.2  Examination of the cells
Because of the minuteness of the bacteria, they are not generally studied with low-power or high-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.The wet mount methods enable us to study the sizes and the shapes of living microorganisms instead of drying and staining microorganisms as these two method distort them. The wet mount method also enables us to determine the motility of the cells. This method is quick and easy, as well as does not require special equipment.

2. Objective

2.1  Learn to use the simple bright-field microscope correctly.

2.2.1 To provide an experience in the use of microscope.

2.2.2 To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

3. Result

3.1 Typical Bacillus
with 40x magnification
with 100x magnification

with 400x magnification

3.2.1 Lactobacillus fermentum

with 1000x magnification

3.2.2 Saccaromyces cerevisiae

with 1000x magnification

4. Discussion

4.1  From the first experiment, the shape of the Typical bacillus are in the irregular shape. It is red in colour and they are non-motile. The surface of the microorganisms is smooth. Whereas the texture is dry.

4.2  From the wet mount experiment, the Lactobacillus fermentum are in a rod shape, we can also observe that they are motile when they are alive. The colour of Lactobacillus fermentum are light grey as well as shinny and smooth in appearance. The texture is in moist form.

4.2.1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unicellular fungi that are typically spherical or oval, and ellipsoid to   elongate in shape. Multilateral budding is typical. The hyphae are absent. But they are not motile. Saccharomyces cerevisiae are non filamentous. They are in yellowish and appear in moist form. The surface of it is dull and rough.

5. Conclusions

5.1  In conclusion, we can observe the Typical bacillus under 40x magnification but as we switch to the bigger the magnification, we can get a clearer result.

5.2  From the experiment of the wet mount, we can conclude that the power of 1000x magnification with the immersion oil must be used in order to observe the target microorganisms clearly. The motility of both Lactobacillus fermentum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are being observed under that certain power too.


P.F.Cannon and P.M.Kirk (2007) Saccharomycetaceae G.Winter1881 in Fungal Families of the World: 320-321
Gerard J.Tortora, Berdell R.Funke, Christine L.Case (1992) Fungi, Algae, Protozoans, and Multicellular Parasites in Microbiology: 298-299

Lab report from Soo Teng

Name : Chai Soo Teng
Matric No. : 111356
Lab 1: Principles and use of microscope
1.1 Setting up and using the microscope
Introduction: In order to be seen,microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in                   other area of microscopy ,the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.
Objective:    Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly
i)                    Typical bacillus (40X magnification)

      ii)Typical bacillus (100X magnification)

iii) Typical bacillus (400X magnification)

1)      To observe the specimen,we begin with the low objective lens power which is 4x objective  ,followed by 10x objective and 40x objective.

2)      The total magnification of the image is calculated by multiplying the objective lens power by the eyepiece lens power.The microscope we use is 10x eyepiece.Thus,the magnification wecan get are 40x magnification,100x magnification and 400x magnification.

3)      We can seen  the colony morphology of Typical bacillus under the microscope.
4)      The colony morphology of Typical Bacillus:
Surface:smooth and shiny
Conclusion:The higher the magnification,the clearer the image of the                                                             specimen. Therefore ,we can get the clearly colony morphology of the Typical Bacillus under a high magnification.


1.2 Examination of cells

Introduction: Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with  the low-power or high power-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained   and observed with the oil immersion objective.
 The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapes of living   microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick  and easy, and does not require special equipment.
Objectives:  To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
         To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.


100x objective lens x 10x eyepiece lens = 1000x magnification (with immersion oil)

i)Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast) (1000x magnification0

ii)                  Lactobacillus fermentum (1000X magnification)

1)      When we observe the specimen under 1000x magnification,we are using the oil      immersion lens.
2)      Oil immersion objectives are used only at very large magnifications that require high resolving power.
3)      Oil immersion can generally only be used on rigidly mounted specimens otherwise the surface tension of the oil can move the coverslip and so move the sample underneath.
4)      Two different types of microorganisms are observed by using immersion oil:
    -  Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast)
    -  Lactobacillus fermentum
5)      Colony morphology of  Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast):
    Shape: oval
    Size: tiny
    Surface: smooth and
    Texture: moist
    Color: tannish cream
6)       Colony morphology of  Lactobacillus fermentum:
    Shape: rod 
    Size: punctiform
    Surface: smooth
    Texture: moist
    Color: grey

Conclusion: Oil immersion increase the resolution of a microscope.Under the oil immersion  lens with 1000x magnification,we can clearly seen the colony morphology  and   the  movement of the Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast) and Lactobacillus  fermentum.

P.F.Cannon and P.M.Kirk(2007)Saccharomycetaceae G.Winter1881 in Fungal Families of the World:320-321
Gerard J.Tortora,Berdell R.Funke,Christine L.Case (1992)Fungi,Algae,Protozoans,and Multicellular Parasites in Microbiology :298-299

Saturday 24 March 2012

Lab1: Principles and use of microscope

Name : Kong Siao Thung
Matric No. : 111372
Lab 1: Principles and use of microscope


1.1 Setting up and using the microscope
In order to be seen, microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in other area of microscopy (for example, the electron microscope), the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.

1.2 Examination of cells
Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the low-power or high power-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.
The wet mount methods enable you to study the sizes and shapes of living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganisms distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.


1.1 Setting up and using the microscope
Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly

1.2 Examination of cells
a) To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
b) To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

Results : 1.1) Stained Cells
Typical Bacillus ( 40x Magnification)

Typical Bacillus ( 100x Magnification)

Typical Bacillus ( 400x Magnification)

Typical Bacillus ( 1000x Magnification)


By using the magnification of 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x, we are able to see a very clear image of the Typical Bacillus. The specimen is observed from the lowest 40x magnification to the highest magnification which is 100x. We can see clearly the morphology of typical bacillus.

The colony morphology of Typical Bacillus:
a)      Colour:  Red
b)      Shape:  irregular shape
c)       Size: Punctiform
d)      Texture: Moist
e)      Surface: Smooth and shiny

Results: 1.2) Wet mount

Lactobacillus fementum (1000x Macnification)

Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (1000x Magnification)


The wet mount method was used to determine size and shape of living microorganisms. We need to use the aseptic technique which is the flame sterilization to sterilize the opening of vessel and inoculating loops. This technique is used to avoid contamination of the sample. Besides that, oil immersion is used to view individual cell or the details of the striations of muscle. It is nearly impossible to view living, motile protest at a magnification of 1000x, except for the very small and slow one.

The morphology of Lactobacillus fermentum:
f)       Colour: Grey
g)      Shape: Rod shape
h)      Size: Punctiform
i)        Texture: Moist
j)        Surface: Shiny and smooth

The colony morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
a)      Colour: Brownish yellow
b)      Shape: Circular
c)       Size: 5–10 micrometres in diameter
d)      Texture: Moist
e)      Surface: Rough, dull, wrinkled


1.1 Setting up and using the microscope
In conclusion, we can clearly observed the image of the specimen by using 40x magnification. For the 1000x magnification, a smaller specimen will get a clearer view.

1.2 Examination of cells
        In conclusion, a cleary image of cells can be seen clearly under 1000x magnification with the aid of oil immersion.


~ Golden, David M.; Jay, James M.; Martin J. Loessner (2005). Modern food microbiology. Berlin: Springer. p. 179
~Kandler O., Stetter K., Kohl R. 1980. Lactobacillus reuteri sp. nov. a new species of heterofermentative lactobacilli. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. Abt. Orig. C1:264-269

Friday 23 March 2012

Lab Report by Yi Lee

Name: Choong Yi Lee  111359

Lab 1 Principles and Use of Microscope

1.1 Setting up and using the microscope

Introduction:  In order to be seen, microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in other area of microscopy (for example, the electron microscope), the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.

Objective: Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly.

Total magnification = objective lens power x eyepiece lens power(10x)
Typical bacillus
40x  magnification
100x magnification
400x magnification

Discussion on Typical Bacillus
1 The sample specimen is observed under the magnification of 40x, 100x and 400x
2 The light intensity is adjusted to ensure that the sample specimen can be observed clearly.
3 The stage, fine adjustment knob and coarse adjustment knob are also adjusted to get a clear observation of specimen.

a) Color- red
b ) Surface- smooth in appearance
c) Shape- irregular in appearance
d) Texture- dry
e) Elevation- flat

Conclusion: The specimen can be seen clearly and obviously under the magnification on 400x. In this experiment, we can conclude that the higher the power of magnification, the clearer the observation and the better result.

Reference: -System Microbiology, Edited by: Brian D. Robertson and Brendan W. Wren
                          -Bacteria Spores, Edited by: Ernesto Abel-Santos

1.2 Examination of cells

 Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the lower-power or high power-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.
 The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapes of living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.

- To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
-To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

1000x magnification of lactobacillus fermentum ( bacillus)

1000x magnification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)

1 The oil immersion oil is put on the the top of specimen
2 The power magnification of 1000x is adjusted to view and sticking to the specimen
3 Adjust the fine adjustment knob so that can get a clearer view of the specimen.

a)Shape-rods with rounded end
b) Color-yellowish
c) Texture- Moist
d) Size- Small and Tiny

 Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
a) Form in shape- circular/globular
b) Elevation- flat
c) Texture- moist
d) Surface- dull
e) color- violet
f) size- small and tiny rod shape

 Conclusion: The specimen can view very clearly under the power magnification of 1000x. The shape and size of the specimen can be view obviously. In this experiment, we can conclude that using the 1000x of magnification, the results can be view clearly and obviously.

Reference: -